2009年4月-2010年7月在葡萄牙阿威罗大学(University of Aveiro)陶瓷复合材料研究中心 (CICECO) 从事博士后研究。
2001年06月-2002年09月在太阳集团www0638稀土材料国家重点实验室,2013年12月-2014年12月在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angles,UCLA;合作导师Prof. Yunfeng Lu)访问研究。
主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金等。已在国际国内知名杂志上发表科研论文五十余篇,均为SCI收录,H-因子=15。
2010年起,为CrystEngComm杂志审稿专家, 2012年起为Chem. Commun.杂志审稿专家, 2014年起为PCCP杂志审稿专家, 2019年起为NJC, RSC Adv, J. Mole. Struct.杂志审稿专家。
1.Meng Cao, Na Li, Chunhong Tan*, Zhe Yan, Lingyuan Meng, Qianxiang Xiao*, Hongqing Wang, Xiao-Feng Wang*, Controllable Preparation and Direct Observation Interconversion between the Kinetically and Thermodynamically Stable Luminescent Multi-Cuprous Coordination Complexes, Crystal Growth Design, 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.3c01338 (IF = 3.8)
2.Weijin Wu, Xiaolu Liu, Xinyi Yang, Qianxiang Xiao, Yanfang Liu, Shiyu Wang, Xiao-Feng Wang*, Facile Synthesis of Imidazolium Cationic Organic Polymer with Ultrafast ReO4−/99TcO4− Removal under Highly Alkaline Conditions, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 318, 123951 (一区:IF = 8.6)
3.(Cover paper) Yang, X. Liu, Y. Liu, Xiao-Feng Wang*, Z. Chen and X. Wang*, Optimizing iodine capture performance by metal-organic framework containing with bipyridine units. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. 2023, 17, 395–403. ( IF = 4.5 )
4.Na Li,Chunhong Tan,* Yi Feng, Lu Cheng, Meng Cao, Yunkai Sun* and Xiao-Feng Wang*, Halogen-induced core structural evolution of four dinuclear copper(I) luminescent coordination compounds, CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 6059 ( IF = 3.1 )
5.(Themed collections) Jian Zhang, Yang-Yang Chen, Chunhong Tan*, Xiao Ma*, Xiao-Feng Wang*, Guangchuan Ou, Hydrogen bonding-tuned hydroxo-bridged tetracopper Cu4(bipy)4-cluster supramolecular network to layered coordination polymer, CrystEngComm, 2020, 22, 5255–5262 ( IF = 3.1 )
6.(Themed collections) Mengdie Wang, Jian Zhang, Yunkai Sun*, Jing Wei*, Chunhong Tan, Xiao-Feng Wang*, Ligands modulated the variable binuclear Cd2-SBUs and structures of four layered coordination frameworks, CrystEngComm, 2020, 22, 3965–3974 ( IF = 3.1 )
7.Ru Bai, Lanhua Chen, Yugang Zhang, Long Chen, Juan Diwu, Xiao-Feng Wang*, The presence of mixed-valent silver in the uranyl phenylenediphosphonate framework, New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 6037–6041.
8.LipingSong, WeiLiu, Yanlong Wang, Lanhua Chen, Xiao-Feng Wang*, Shuao Wang*, A hydrolytically stable europium–organic framework for the selective detection of radioactive Th4+ in aqueous solution, CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 3471 ( IF = 3.1 )
9.Xue-Zhen Zhang, Wei-Hui Fang*, Xiao-Feng Wang*, An in-situ esterification reaction in amino-alcohols coordinated aluminum oxo clusters, Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2021, 128(3):108608
10.Chunyang Li, Chunhong Tan, Jun Zhou*, Yan-Yong Lin*, Xiao-Feng Wang*, Two Unexpected Temperature-Induced Supermolecular Isomers from Multi-Topic Carboxylic Acid: Hydrogen Bonding Layer or Helix Tube, Molecules, 2021, 26(22):6938 ( IF = 4.6 )
11.Li Shen, Hao Bin Wu, Fang Liu, Jonathan L. Brosmer, Gurong Shen, Xiaofeng Wang, Jeffrey I. Zink, Qiangfeng Xiao, Mei Cai, Ge Wang*, Yunfeng Lu*, Bruce Dunn*. Creating Lithium‐Ion Electrolytes with Biomimetic Ionic Channels in Metal–Organic Frameworks, Adv. Mat. 2018, https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201707476 (一区:IF=19.79)
12.(ESI高被引) Zhe Weng, Yueshen Wu, Maoyu Wang, Jianbing Jiang, Ke Yang, Shengjuan Huo, Xiao-Feng Wang, Qing Ma, Gary W. Brudvig, Victor S. Batista, Yongye Liang, Zhenxing Feng, Hailiang Wang*. Active sites of copper-complex catalytic materials for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction, Nature Commun., 2018, 9, 415. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-02819-7. (一区:IF=13.09)
13.Xiao-Feng Wang*, Ke-Jie Du, Hong-Qing Wang, Xue-Li Zhang*, Chang-Ming Nie. A Novel Asymmetric Chair-like Hydroxy-bridged Tetra-copper Compound: Synthesis, Supramolecular Structure and Magnetic Property. J. Mole.Struct., 2017, 1138:155-160.
14.SUN Yun-Kai, XIE Rui, WANG Xiao-Feng*, WEN Ge-Bo, LIN Ying-Wu, Steric Effect Modulating the Structures of Trinuclear Zinc Carboxylate Frameworks, Chinese J. Struct. Chem.(结构化学), 2016, 35: 9, 1413-1419.
15.Xiao-Feng Wang*, Hongqing Wang, Shuhong Wang*, Jun Li*, Shenbiao Li, Kang-Cheng Zheng and Xin Han. Metallic coordination selectivity effect in the trinuclear M3(RCOO)6 secondary building units of three layer metal–carboxylate frameworks, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 14522-14530 (IF = 3.108)
16.Xiao-Feng Wang*, Yun-Kai Sun, Shu-Hong Wang.Ligand-tuned metal coordination polymers constructed by the linearCd3(COO)6/8 clusters: Preparations, structures, topologies and gas adsorptive properties, Micropor.Mesopor. Mat., 2013, 181, 262–269 (IF = 3.63 )
17.Xiao-Feng Wang,* Yue-Biao Zhang, Yan-Yong Lin. Achiral diamondoid or chiral quartz net: the effect of substituents in the topology and catenation of coordination polymers based on tetrahedral Cd(COO)4 building units, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 3470–3477 (IF = 3.47)
18.Xiao-Feng Wang*, Yue-Biao Zhang, Wei Xue. From Nonporous to Porous Doubly-Pillared-Layer Framework: Control over Interpenetration via Shape Alteration of Layer Apertures, Cryst. Growth Des. 2012, 12, 1626-1631 (IF = 4.055)
19.Xiao-Feng Wang, Yu Wang, Yue-Biao Zhang, Wei Xue, Jie-Peng Zhang, Xiao-Ming Chen. Layer-by-layer evolution and a hysteretic single-crystal to single-crystal transformation cycle of a flexible pillared-layer open framework, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 133-135 (IF = 6.3)
20.Xiao-Feng Wang, Yue-Biao Zhang, Wei-Xiong Zhang, Wei Xue, Hao-Long Zhou, Xiao-Ming Chen. Buffering additive effect in the formation of metal–carboxylate frameworks with slightly different linear M3(RCOO)6 clusters, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 4196-4201 (IF = 3.47)
发明专利:王小峰、罗丁、袁再春. 一种微纳尺度石墨烯/钛酸锂复合负极材料的制备方法,专利号2016101620123