
曾庆意,男,1988年生,江西赣州人,博士,特聘教授,博士生导师,2017年博士毕业于上海交通大学环境科学与工程专业。科学研究方面主要研究方向为用于污水净化、能源转化、新型半导体纳米材料、膜技术、空气净化技术、三废资源化技术等。已在Nano energy、Environ. Sci. Technol.、Water Research、Appl. Catal. B: Environ.、Appl. Energy、J. Mater. Chem. A等国际顶级期刊发表高水平学术论文40余篇,论文他引920余次,h因子17;申请发明专利12项,授权7项;主持和参与国家及省部级各类科研项目7项;担任中国化学会会员和美国化学会会员,及国际期刊Am. J. Environ. Prot.编委。讲授《环境工程原理》等本科生和研究生课程。
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51808143,PFC光阳极贫富电子微区构建与强化水中有机污染物降解-产能机制,2019/01/01-2021/12/31,27万,主持
[2] 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2018A030313367,可见光响应的多级纳米核壳结构阵列Sb:SnO2NRA/SnO2/Mo:BiVO4/Fe2O3光电极材料的构建及其光电催化降解水中抗生素的性能与机制研究,2018/05/01―2021/04/30,10万,主持
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51808142,石墨相氮化碳表面官能化与活化过硫酸盐降解水中有机污染物机理,2019/01/01-2021/12/31,25万,参加
[1] Qingyi Zeng, Sheng Chang, Ahmad Beyhaqi, Mingqi Wang, Chun Hu*, Efficient electricity production coupled with water treatment via a highly adaptable, successive water-energy synergistic system, Nano Energy, 2020, 67, 104237.(SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 16.602)
[2] Qingyi Zeng, Jing Bai, Jinhua Li, Baoxue Zhou*, Yugang Sun*. A low-cost photoelectrochemical tandem cell for highly-stable and efficient solar water splitting. Nano Energy,2017, 41, 225–232.(SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 16.602)
[3] Qingyi Zeng, Jing Bai, Jinhua Li, Yunpo Li, Xuejin Li, Baoxue Zhou*. Combined nanostructured Bi2S3/TNA photoanode and Pt/SiPVC photocathode for efficient self-biasing photoelectrochemical hydrogen and electricity generation. Nano Energy, 2014, 9, 152–160. (SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 16.602)
[4] Qingyi Zeng, Jinhua Li, Jing Bai, Xuejin Li, Ligang Xia, Baoxue Zhou*. Preparation of vertically aligned WO3 nanoplate array films based on peroxotungstate reduction reaction and their excellent photoelectrocatalytic performance. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 202, 388–396. (ESI Highly Cited Paper Top 1% in Chemistry, SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 16.683)
[5] Qingyi Zeng*, Sheng Chang, Ahmad Beyhaqi, ShaopingLian, Huishun Xu, JinpengXie, FeiGuo, Mingqi Wang, Chun Hu*, Efficient solar hydrogen production coupled with organics degradation by a hybrid tandem photocatalytic fuel cell using a silicon-doped TiO2 nanorod array with enhanced electronic properties. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020, 394, 121425. (SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 9.038)
[6] Qingyi Zeng, LaiLyu, YaowenGao, Sheng Chang, Chun Hu*. A self-sustaining monolithic photoelectrocatalytic/photovoltaic system based on a WO3/BiVO4photoanode and Si PVC for efficiently producing clean energy from refractory organics degradation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018,238, 309–317. (SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 16.683)
[7] Qingyi Zeng, YaowenGao, Lai Lyu, Sheng Chang, Chun Hu*. Highly improving photoelectrocatalytic efficiency and stability of WO3 photoanode by facile in-situ growth of TiO2 branches overlayers. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 13393–13401.(SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 6.895, 2018 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection)
[8] Qingyi Zeng, Jing Bai, Jinhua Li, Ligang Xia, Ke Huang, Xuejin Li, Baoxue Zhou*. A novel in situ preparation method for nanostructured α-Fe2O3 films from electrodeposited Fe films for efficient photoelectrocatalytic water splitting and the degradation of organic pollutants. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 4345–4353.(SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 11.301)
[9] Qingyi Zeng, Jinhua Li*, Linsen Li, Jing Bai, Ligang Xia, Baoxue Zhou*. Synthesis of WO3/BiVO4 photoanode using a reaction of bismuth nitrate with peroxovanadate on WO3 film for efficient photoelectrocatalytic water splitting and organic pollutant degradation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 217, 21–29. (SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 16.683)
[10] Qingyi Zeng, Jing Bai, Jinhua Li*, Linsen Li, Ligang Xia, Baoxue Zhou*, Yugang Sun. Highly-stable and efficient photocatalytic fuel cell based on an epitaxial TiO2/WO3/W nanothornphotoanode and enhanced radical reactions for simultaneous electricity production and wastewater treatment. Applied Energy, 2018, 220, 127–137. (SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 8.848)
[11] Sheng Chang, Chun Hu, Ahmad Beyhaqi, Mingqi Wang, Qingyi Zeng*, Highly efficient hydrogen and electricity production combined with degradation of organics based on a novel solar water-energy nexus system. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 2, 2505-2515. (SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 8.758)
[12] Shuai Chen1, Qingyi Zeng1 (co-first author), Jinhua Li, Jing Bai, Linsen Li, Ligang Xia, Baoxue Zhou*. Preparation of hematite with an ultrathin iron titanate layer via an in situ reaction and its stable, long-lived, and excellent photoelectrochemical performance. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 218, 690–699. (SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 16.683)
[13] Kai Zhao1, Qingyi Zeng1 (co-first author), Jing Bai, Jinhua Li, Ligang Xia, Shuai Chen, Baoxue Zhou*. Enhanced organic pollutants degradation and electricity production simultaneously via strengthening the radicals reaction in a novel Fenton-photocatalytic fuel cell system. Water Research, 2017, 108, 293–300. (SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI,IF 9.130)
[14] Ahmad Beyhaqi, Qingyi Zeng*, Sheng Chang, Mingqi Wang, Seyed Mohammad TaghiAzimi, Chun Hu*, Construction of g-C3N4/WO3/MoS2 ternary nanocomposite with enhanced chargeseparation and collection for efficient wastewater treatment under visible light. Chemosphere, 2020, 247, 125784. (SCI收录,JCR1区,%1ESI, IF 5.778)
[15] Qingyi Zeng*, Sheng Chang, Ahmad Beyhaqi, Mingqi Wang, Highly efficient clean energy production and refractory organics degradation by a novel self-sustaining photoelectrocatalytic/photovoltaic system, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2019, 258, 614-ENFL. (SCI收录)
[16] Qingyi Zeng*, Chun Hu. Epitaxial branched WO3/TiO2 nanostructures for highly-stable and efficient photoelectrocatalytic wastewater treatment, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2018, 256, 569. (SCI收录)
[17] Qingyi Zeng, Min Xi, Wei Xu, Xinjun Li*.Preparation of titanium dioxide nanotube arrays on titanium mesh by anodization in (NH4)2SO4/NH4F electrolyte. Materials and Corrosion 2013, 64, 1001-1006.(SCI收录,JCR2区,IF 1.458)
[18] Qingyi Zeng, Xinjun Li, Min Xi, Liangpeng Wu, Zhen Xu, Zhouyu Zhou*. Fabrication of TiO2/CdS/TiO2 Nanotube/Ti Mesh Electrode and Application in Photoelectrocatalytic Cell System for Degradation of Methylene Blue under Visible Light Illumination. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25, 8527-8532.(SCI收录)